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Earthbound Immortal !!
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu
Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Hardened Armed Dragon
Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Malefic Stardust Dragon
Malefic Stardust Dragon
Malefic Truth Dragon
Reptilianne Naga
Reptilianne Naga
Dark Hole
Earthbound Whirlwind
Earthbound Whirlwind
Fires of Doomsday
Fires of Doomsday
Giant Trunade
Lightning Vortex
Malefic World
Mausoleum of the Emperor
Mausoleum of the Emperor
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Necro Sacrifice
Altar of the Bound Deity
Bottomless Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Call of the Haunted
Dark Bribe
Dark Bribe
Mirror Force
Royal Decree
Royal Decree
Extra Deck
Ally of Justice Catastor
Black Rose Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Colossal Fighter
Flamvell Uruquizas
Goyo Guardian
Iron Chain Dragon
Magical Android
Mist Wurm
Red Dragon Archfiend
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
X-Saber Urbellum
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